License not found

odd.klinge posted this 10 June 2020


I get this when I try to invoice a sales order. I've set up docentric specific print management, azure blob, placeholders and adding document as an attachement.

enter image description here

Cannot get the image file to show, so here is the text in the message.

Message details Posting


Docentric License is not found. Please unlock the product by applying a valid Docentric AX license file and then try again. Failed to generate document Printing report (Show invoice) with ID (SalesInvoice.Report) to Screen failed Error(s) while executing report Show invoice (Report ID: SalesInvoice.Report)

Is it a license for these tasks?

Last edited 10 June 2020

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jles posted this 17 June 2020

Hi Odd,

I believe you you are posting this to a wrong forum. This forum is for Docentric Toolkit, a sister product of Docentric fo D365FO, which you are using. Please send us an email to support(at)

Please visit the following website in the future:

Thanks, Jure

Last edited 17 June 2020

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